Nov 28, 2021
Joining me on the podcast today are Debra Scarpa and Ashley Blaesing of Home Designer Marketing. We are going to talk systems and processes which you all know by now is a favorite topic of mine. We will look at the benefits of having systems, which areas of the company we need to create them in, and go over an idea of the types of systems that will make our work more efficient. Enjoy the podcast.
There's one thing about being design-oriented. There's another thing about being into beauty, but I think that systems and processes are left-brain logical, but there is beautiful creativity in that process. Michele (8:34)
I am such a strong visionary, that as you know, if you're a really strong visionary, you need to have a super-strong integrator in order to be able to, like push back and stand up. Debra Scarpa (12:17)
Anytime we can't find a point of agreement, that's when things start to fall apart. But if we can at least agree on what the end result needs to be or look like or feel like, then we're all at least moving in the same direction. Michele (18:52)
How much time can we save you by setting up a template for you where maybe you just change one sentence? Ashley Blaesing (23:35)
I think having a system to analyze data because it's not enough to create all these systems that we have talked about today if we're not analyzing what's coming out of it. Michele (59:48)
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Facebook: Home Designer Marketing
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