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Profit Is A Choice

Oct 20, 2024

271: Buying a Commercial Space for Your Business 

Joining me today on the podcast is Paul Neal. He's a financial strategist and author dedicated to transforming the way entrepreneurs view commercial property. He has a book called Un-Lease Your Business: Unlock Wealth, Autonomy and Control by Buying Your Building and Firing Your Landlord and it is a very informative book. He is an amazing speaker who is going to help us understand more about the commercial buying process for our businesses. Enjoy the podcast.

Topics Mentioned:

  • Purchasing commercial real estate

  • Process

  • Financials

Key Thoughts: 

  • You don't have to be a world-conquering type of person, but you have to have stability. Paul Neal


  • You cannot make decisions without your financials in order, or you're making it on a gut feeling and that doesn't always support us. Michele Williams


  • We always suggest to get in with the least amount of down payment that makes sense, because then you've got your money that you're not putting into the brick and mortar you can use for other things. Paul Neal


  • The goal here is that we have to be profitable with what we have, and then provide ourselves as a stable business, meaning stable sales, and stable profitability. Michele Williams

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Contact Paul:

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