Oct 3, 2022
Can we just talk about perseverance? Perseverance is defined as doing something despite the difficulty or delay in achieving success. With all the things happening in our world and industry over the last two years, I would say that most of us are living in this space right now. Listen in to today’s episode where we discuss how we can keep going, even when the road seems long ahead of us.
Continual Improvement
Now, more than ever, it is important to make sure you are working with your ideal client. Michele (2:35)
Don’t be afraid to fail. Failure and success are so very close to each other. Failing forward, as John C. Maxwell describes in his book is what builds perseverance. Michele (3:13)
When I have clear goals, it is so much easier to attain them as compared to when I am not really sure what is expected of me. Michele (5:54)
Perseverance doesn’t happen by accident, and it doesn’t happen without focus. Staying focused on your goals, your why, the journey and improvement strategies keeps you in the game. Michele (7:25)
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