Aug 22, 2021
Joining me on the podcast today is Misty Molloy of CoCreative Interiors. Misty began her design business a little over a year ago and has had rapid growth both in the development of her business and in her designs. After working through her financials, Misty experienced some overwhelm which lead to her getting stuck with how to move forward. Listen in as we dissect her challenge, remove obstacles, and make a path forward for her.
I started my business with the foundation in mind because I recognized how important the business principles and the foundation are to the success of a business. Misty Molloy (6:38)
How do I recognize and achieve the challenge of a business plan, and accomplish it without exhausting and killing myself? Michele (15:10)
The more that you know, and recognize what you are perfectly poised to do, the more you're going to recognize it when it hits your desk and you get to talk to the client about it. Michele (25:58)
One of the things that are interesting is this idea of balancing what you want and what the market wants. That's part of where I get stuck - just because you build it doesn't mean they will come. Misty Molloy (28:06)
I think that in our businesses, we can hit that same wall, like I've made so many decisions, I just don't want to make the next one. And then whatever comes up, we put a block up against it. Michele (35:56)
I think that's the ultimate value of coaching is having someone who can help identify the roadblocks and create that framework for busting through those roadblocks. Misty Molloy (53:46)
Facebook: Scarlet Thread Consulting
Instagram: @ScarletThreadATL
LinkedIn: Michele Williams
Website: CoCreative Interiors
Instagram: @cocreativeinteriors
Facebook: CoCreative Interiors
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