Sep 27, 2020
Joining me today is Traci Reuter of Divine Social. Her firm supports businesses in growing their brands through authentic, meaningful social advertising. We are going to discuss Facebook and Instagram ads. We will be looking at the...
Sep 20, 2020
In Steven Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the second habit is this; begin with the end in mind. We are going to talk about this habit and see how it applies to the business we are building not only at the strategic level...
Sep 13, 2020
With me, today on the podcast is Brandi Bernoskie of Alchemy and Aim. Brandi is a digital strategist, web developer, and tech expert. Our conversation is focused on updating your digital strategy. Many of us have a plan to show up online,...
Sep 6, 2020
Today marks the beginning of year 3 of podcasting and the wrap up of year 2. This has been such a fun time, and it is difficult to believe that two years is behind us. Each year I love to stop and reflect on all that I have learned from hosting...