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Profit Is A Choice

Feb 26, 2023

221: Niching in Your Design Business From the Start

with Kaitlin Brophy

Joining me on the podcast today is Kaitlin Brophy with Brook and Elm. What I love about the conversation that we're about to have is that it's going to be focused on creating a niche company from the very beginning, using skill sets from a...

Feb 19, 2023

220: Selling Authentically in Your Design Business

with Nikki Rausch

Joining me on the podcast today is Nikki Rausch. She is a sales coach and trainer and author and a speaker. And she talks about authentically moving people through a sales process. I'm so excited to have her on. She has her own podcast, The Sales...

Feb 5, 2023

219: Benchmarks for the Interior Design Industry


Here is a question I get repeatedly when someone shows me their financials, “Is this good?” While many may be good judges of great design – being a judge of great financials can be a bit more difficult if you don’t know what you are looking...