Jul 25, 2021
With me today is Lesley Myrick of Lesley Myrick Interiors. Lesley is fun and has a super cool style. She is going to share with us on today the challenges of moving 3 times in 5 years and constantly restarting her business. There are some lessons learned...
Jul 18, 2021
Here we are, midway through the year. And the question becomes, are you on track to meet your goals? I believe that July is a great time to renew your energy and also to renew your goals with a goal setting session. Listen in as we chat about the...
Jul 11, 2021
With me today is Michelle O’Connor of O’Connor Insurance Associates located in Charlotte, NC. Michelle and I are going to talk about what insurance is, and why we need it, discuss the different types of insurance available, when to...
Jul 11, 2021
With me today is Michelle O’Connor of O’Connor Insurance Associates located in Charlotte, NC. Michelle and I are going to talk about what insurance is, and why we need it, discuss the different types of insurance available, when to...
Jul 4, 2021
Years ago, employee reviews were done yearly, and they were so very formal that most people entered with some form of fear. Even those who were high performers. Why? Because you never knew how they were going to go – and...