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Profit Is A Choice

Feb 27, 2022

185: Backwards Financials for the Win

with Tracie Tayl0r

Today I'm bringing you a replay of a podcast that we launched in the first few months of our podcast back in 2018. This particular podcast was in response to a question that Tracy Taylor emailed and asked me about how she could figure out her financials backwards....

Feb 20, 2022

184: How to Build a Design Business that Fits Your Strengths

with Carol Lang

I am so excited to have Carol Lang, of Carol Lang Interiors in NJ, on the podcast with me today. Carol is an excellent designer who has really learned to create her own path forward in this industry. We will be sharing her journey of discovery...

Feb 13, 2022

183: Preparing for an OPs Resource in Your Design Firm

with Kelcee Sparks

On the podcast today with me, again is Kelcee Sparks. And she is the Director of Operations and Success for Scarlet Thread Consulting. You might remember that Kelcee and I did Episode 168, together on how to hire an operations person for your...

Feb 6, 2022

182: Managing to a Budget in Your Design Firm

with Michele Williams

Do you currently create a budget for your new year and then manage to it? If so, you are going to enjoy this podcast. If not, I ask that you listen with an open mind and perhaps are swayed to begin this process of financial management. Either way –...